Miss Colk will return from London on Monday next with a very considerable and fashionable assortment of MILLINERY and PRINTS, of which she solicits the attention of her friends on Wednesday May 11th. She begs leave to return her grateful thanks for every favour she has received.
J. Payne Junr. takes this opportunity to acknowledge with thanks the many favours his friends have conferred on him and hopes the superior qualities of the WINES and BRANDIES etc, etc., he is determined to "offer will merit their continuance.
North Walsham Market Place: Richard Robinson returns thanks to his friends and the Public for their very liberal support and begs leave to acquaint them he is returned from London with a Fashionable Assortment of Linen, Drapery. Hosiery. Mens hats etc., also every article in the Grocery line, which he flatters himself he shall be enabled to sell on such terms as will merit their future favours.
SPRING FASHIONS. M Mayer of North Walsham begs to inform her friends that she is returned from London with a New and Fresh Assortment of Millinery Goods which she opens for inspection on Wednesday, 2nd. of May 1804.
(Advertisements in the Norwich Mercury 1803/04. The 'Mercury' was a weekly which cost 6d).