North Walsham & District Community Archive

Photo Archive

Photos associated with "bacton road" from the North Walsham, Norfolk area.

Photos on this page are grouped together under the tag "bacton road" as these photos from North Walsham and local Norfolk area are related in some way by "bacton road".

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There are currently 49 entries in the North Walsham Archive website.

Pages that may be of interest in the archive for North Walsham, Norfolk ....

  • Randell's Foundry on Mundesley/Bacton Road
    Layout of Randell's Foundry on Mundesley/Bacton Road sketched and documented by Russell Sparke, 20th June, 2018Foundry - Floor moulding -Plough shares Circular pig feed pans, Roll Rings and end boxes,...
  • The Shops That Sold Everything - Robert Bagshaw
    But to the schoolboy cyclist of that time the carbide lamp was much more than a source of light - it was a status symbol. Its presence on the front of his machine indicated he had at last been grant...