North Walsham & District Community Archive

Westwick Arch, looking north, before the turnpike. (Watercolour) - North Walsham Photograph

Westwick Arch, looking north, before the turnpike. (Watercolour)

(1788 to 1792 / North Walsham, Norfolk)

Westwick Arch C1790
Westwick Arch was built about 1780 and marked the entrance to Westwick Hall on John Berney Petres estate. The flint-quoined and rendered dovecot was part of his medal winning scheme at Westwick.
As can be seen, originally, the road to Norwich skirted his estate to the west. Later, the arch stood astride the North Walsham to Norwich Turnpike when the road was diverted about 1797. The arch was demolished in September 1981, barely 24 hours before a letter arrived stating it to be a Grade Two Protected Building.

The cottages on either side are now Grade Two protected and survive. That on the right became the Westwick Post Office early in the 20th century and remained so until it closed in the 1970s.

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Photograph. Westwick Arch, looking north, before the turnpike. (Watercolour) (North Walsham Archive).

Archive Website ID: 12 This archive item has been viewed 8863 time(s).

Tags: westwick estate | westwick house | westwick hall | westwick | arch | turnpike | painting | watercolour | 18th century | norwich road | westwick arch |

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1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792,

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