North Walsham & District Community Archive

Convalescing soldiers and staff outside the Red Cross Voluntary Aid Detachment Hospital, Wellingtonia, 113 Mundesley Road, North Walsham during WW1 - North Walsham Photograph

Convalescing soldiers and staff outside the Red Cross Voluntary Aid Detachment Hospital, Wellingtonia, 113 Mundesley Road, North Walsham during WW1

(1915 to 1917 / North Walsham, Norfolk)

Auxiliary War Hospitals of WWI.
North Walsham had two Auxiliary War Hospitals, both on Mundesley Road. On November 11th. 1914 a Voluntary Aid Detachment Hospital was opened in "Lower House" and, with 11 beds, was able to look after 714 patients, under the direction of its matron, Miss Edith Wilkinson Carter, before closing on January 21st. 1919.
Lower house has since been demolished and the site is now occupied by Greenway Close.
A second V.A.D. Hospital was opened, soon afterwards, at "Wellingtonia", 113 Mundesley Road, on January 25th. 1915. This hospital had 15 beds and treated 475 patients before it closed on January 21st. 1919. The Wellingtonia Hospital was run by Miss Grace Holloway, ARRC, Miss E. Fernie and Miss Alice Birbeck.

Photograph. Convalescing soldiers and staff outside the Red Cross Voluntary Aid Detachment Hospital, Wellingtonia, 113 Mundesley Road, North Walsham during WW1 (North Walsham Archive).

Archive Website ID: 214 This archive item has been viewed 4542 time(s).

Tags: soldiers | staff | red cross | hospital | wellingtonia | mundesley road | ww1 |

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1915, 1916, 1917,

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