North Walsham & District Community Archive

Celebrations for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887. - North Walsham Photograph

Celebrations for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887.

(Celebrations for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887. / North Walsham, Norfolk)

North Walsham Queen Victoria Jubilee Celebrations 1887: "The No 4 sub-committee decorated the Market Place with Chinese and Japanese Lanterns, Umbrellas etc flags, Evergreens, Flowers and other materials, the most salient decorative features being - at the lower end- the Cross, displaying an elaborateness of ornative worthy of its grace and design and reputation as a Town relic: and at the upper end an Arch of evergreens surmounted by flags and set off by shields, devices etc. From these two terminal bases to the most prominent buildings were suspended radiating lines of flying dragons, kites, birds and lanterns, whilst an effect of centralisation was gained by a larger number of lines converging from all points to a tall central mast placed near the pump, garlanded, and surmounted by the Royal Standard.
Besides these more salient features on the scheme of decoration, the houses round the Market Place were uniformly draped & lanterned and there were poles with flags and lamps placed at different points.
The architectural symmetry of the Cross was seen with great effect in the evening Illuminations; its lines being picked out by various coloured glass lamps the soft effulgence of these being intensified by the rich masses of foliage, drapery & Chinese lanterns festooned about it".

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Photograph. Celebrations for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887. (North Walsham Archive).

Archive Catalogue ID: 1087 Archive Website ID: 681 This archive item has been viewed 2994 time(s).

Tags: jubilee | festivities | celebration | street fair | market cross | clock | place street | queen victoria | 19th century | decoration | flags | tables | crowd | people |

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